Wednesday 18 January 2017

Record of Casual/sick/short leaves of your employees with PeopleQlik Leave Management Software

If you want to manage casual / sick / short leaves of your employees and want to know that who take the casual leave and how many days he/she on leaves. Then PeopleQlick Leave Management Software best suitable for your organization.
PeopleQlick Leave Management Software help you to easily handle leaves of your employees and also check that how many leaves are available for an employee. It will also tell that how many employees are on casual leaves and how many are on sick and short leaves. It also tell you that a specific employee take how many casual leaves and how many sick leaves and how many leaves are available for him.
It will also help to find out that haw many casual leaves are provides and how many to them are taken. If an employee want to leave then you can check that available leaves for him and he take all the allowed leaves then PeopleQlik Leave Management Software recode that this employee take an extra leave and at the payroll time or at the end of month deduction of that extra leave will be easily calculated.
It is best software for Leave Management, it tell the number of leaves taken by an employee as well as who approved leaves for that employee and type of leave. It may be causal leave , sick leave or short leave it record it properly and whenever user want to see report of leaves then it will provide all data correctly.
If user want to see a specific employee leaves info then it can be easily checked by entering some basic info.
PeopleQlik  Leave Management Software provides user friendly interface, if an employee of your organization send request for leave then you enter some info in that interface and it will store it and also tell you how many leaves are available for this employee and is he/she is eligible to take leave or not?
It also provides a facility to cancel the at some reason. Managers can cancel leaves by search that employee , then select that leave and give reason of cancelling leave.
You can check that on a specific project how many employee are doing work and how many of them are on leave then you can easily the manage project activities.
If you want to manage your payroll according to leaves deductions , and want to check the availability of leaves, daily report of leaves employee wise , department wise,  and want to manage you projects activities according to that leave info it will help you to manage project time and tasks assigned. Then contact us at

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